Sep 23, 2023Liked by Sarah Fay | Less of More


I’m an RN working in SF CA and also Public Health RN. Your writing and recording is so beautiful and compelling and comforting. I want to thank you for being and surviving and sharing your truth with your readers and for your amazing advocacy for recovery. Xoxo

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Sarah...so insightful! I have a strong emotional memory of driving up the central coast of California and thinking "I'm free of emotional illness!" for the first time since my adolescence. Of course, there were seasons of struggle to come, but because of the skills I had learned (not in therapy but from books), I managed these times and moved through them with much more ease. I had spent the years from seventeen to almost forty with serious mental illness including chronic suicidal thinking but now...I felt cured. I also spent a few months as an inpatient and the words of the therapist, "You will never make it on the outs!" still reverberate in my memory banks at times. I'm a psychotherapist now, (the story of how that happened (I got kicked out of high school)is very hard to believe...even for me!)...and I so agree on the DSM V and I'm so thankful I know from experience that many, many people can heal from serious mental illness. Thank you for all you do!

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